Movie Page Progress
It's been two weeks since I resurrected my movie page and how is it going? Exactly how it was going five and a half years ago when I stopped publishing. I recently checked my stats report and the most frequent visitor! Each post or review that I type has only 10-15 readers. People who promise to have a thorough look at my page don't follow through with their promise. Some friends aren't even interested in visiting my page. I'm basically writing to entertain myself, which isn't such a bad thing because I am rereading some of the posts I made last decade, even disagreeing with some of the things I wrote. However, I have found that most of my views haven't changed. The other good thing about rereading some of my movie reviews is that it reminds me of what I have seen. I see so many movies that I cannot remember them all. Last year I saw a total of 716 movies while I am up to 544 movies in 2021.
