2015 review number 58:
Boychoir: (Drama): 75 out of 100: Sometimes a predictable, uplifting movie is just what the doctor ordered. You know where the story is heading and there are some cliches when it comes to feel-good moments, but you just can't help liking and enjoying the movie.
Dustin Hoffman plays the acclaimed choirmaster of a prestigious singing school for boys. They are lacking that one singer who can make his group perform at a highly regarded concert in New York. Along comes Stet (Garrett Wareing) who has just been left without a mother after she died in a car accident. His father (Josh Lucas) pays for his tuition just so his family doesn't know about the secret son he had 12 years ago. The only problem with Stet is that he has behavioural issues and even though he has an extraordinary singing talent, his discipline needs to be reigned in.
Wareing has his first major role as the gifted singer. He is a bit rough around the edges but displays natural exuberance in his performance. It's always a joy to see Hoffman on the big screen and he doesn't let the movie down with his presence and command. He plays the demanding choir teacher with passion. Bates has a minor role as the principal of the singing school and there are glimpses of her excellent acting ability which garnered her an Oscar 23 years ago. Winger plays the principal of Stet's old school who recognises his musical ability and she has appeared to age gracefully. It's hard to believe that this sex symbol of the 80s is turning 60 this year! Lucas is credible as the father who wishes to hide his secret son while Eddie Izzard plays it low-key as a teacher at the singing school.
There are some extreme moments of melodrama but there's just something about this movie which will hook you in. Everything is predictable about it but the story and direction have been executed well enough to highlight the moments that will make you cheer for the protagonist. Even the music score signals the dramatic moments but thankfully that's not too overbearing.
The prominent feature of this movie is definitely the singing. Even if you don't like classical music or choirs, your heart will soar with the song renditions. Anyone with an interest in education will also appreciate this movie more for you get to see how this different school system works.
"Boychoir" will probably annoy those people who dislike movies for playing it safe. Sometimes movies are meant to be enjoyed and don't have to be a critical assessment so this movie definitely fits the bill. You won't be disappointed if you like an uplifting, albeit predictable movie.
Starring Dustin Hoffman, Kathy Bates, Josh Lucas, Debra Winger and Garrett Wareing
(103 minutes)
Parental advice: Adult themes
Additional scene during or after credits: No
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMWl6-mlDD4 (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Monday 20th April, 2015)
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