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overrated movies
We all have our favourite movies and movies that we despise but how about those overrated movies that have sent critics in a spin, gushing about how fabulous they are. Sometime you wonder if it's the same movie that you have seen as the critics. Of course, you might agree with the critics. That is the beauty of movies. You won't find one single movie in history that 100% of viewers would love. We all have our differences of opinion.
One overrated movie that easily comes to my mind is The Tree of Life. All that philosophising and meaning of life rubbish nearly sent me to sleep. Another movie I didn't really like was Inception. I can't believe that some critics and moviegoers said they didn't understand the whole movie but loved it anyway. For me, if the story is confusing or requires you to watch the movie at least five times to make some sense of it, then it's not worth seeing. Two other movies which left me asking, "Huh, what the heck was all that about?" were Donnie Darko and Mulholland Drive, two more movies that are critics' darlings which I didn't rate that highly.
Shakespeare in Love should not have received the Best Picture Oscar ahead of the far superior Saving Private Ryan. And how did Gwyneth Paltrow score her Best Actress Oscar for this role? The mind boggles.
We have The Blair Witch Project to blame for all these found footage movies. At the time, it was just a gimmick and the critics fell for it. All that running around with a shaky camera just left me with a headache.
I had heard so much about Easy Rider that I just had to see it when it was on cable TV. It was all about hippies. I guess one needs to be a hippy to fully appreciate it. I just didn't get what all the fuss was about.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was something I watched in the cinema and after seeing it, I said to myself that I would never see again because being bored by the film once was enough.
This list of movies is just scratching the surface when it comes to my most overrated movies. Some of the movies I have included might even be your favourites. The world would be such a boring place though if we all agreed.
(Written on Sunday 7th June, 2015)

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