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2015 review number 158:
Pan: (Adventure/Action/Fantasy): 66 out of 100: In recent years there have been quite a few origin stories disguised as remakes like Fantastic Four, Maleficent and Spider-Man. Pan can be safely added to this list. There's enough action and drama to satisfy the fussiest of moviegoers but there's something lacking in the characterisations which results in the viewer only caring for the fate of Peter Pan. The action sequences mainly in the form of CGI are also delivered one after the other, which means that the story isn't as interesting as it should be. However, it has been unfairly maligned by the critics because it doesn't deserve a rating as low as 25% on the Rotten Tomatoes website.
The opening scenes have Peter as a baby (Levi Miller) being left left by his mother (Amanda Seyfried) at the doorstep of an orphanage. Twelve years later in London during World War II, he has been spirited away from the orphanage by a pirate ship in the sky and taken to the magical world of Neverland. Here, he befriends Jim Hook (Garrett Hedlund) and together they try to escape the pirates led by Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman) who senses that Peter is the one mentioned in a prophecy that will terminate his reign. Peter and Hook are joined by Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara), a fierce warrior princess who is also determined to ensure that the natives and fairies of Neverland are not harmed by Blackbeard.
Joe Wright has directed period films in the past like Anna Karenina, Atonement, and Pride and Prejudice. He is at his best when directing the scenes before the 'abduction' where the characters and their interactions are at the forefront. He also makes excellent use of the production design of London during the Blitz. Once the pirate ship enters the picture, the CGI takes over. There's nothing inherently wrong with the action scenes but they tend to be of the same variety with Pan and his cohorts either scheming against the villains or escaping from them.
The acting ranges from mediocre to excellent. This is Miller's introduction to the world of cinema and he makes an excellent hero. He is the one character the viewer genuinely feels affection for. That's a credit to Miller for he acts with skill and confidence. Hedlund is the sidekick who becomes Peter's enemy in later years. He wants to act and sound like Indiana Jones but is no match for that hero. Jackman is obviously having fun playing the villain but hams it up to make his role a caricature. Mara's Tiger Lily could have been written out of the movie altogether for she's surplus to requirements.
The music score by John Powell is rollicking and resembles a pirate adventure with its beats and melodies. It serves the visuals well by building atmosphere. The impressive sound effects also contribute to the superior aural experience.
Pan hasn't performed well at the box office meaning that there won't be any sequels. People have just grown tired of the boy who never grew old.
Starring Hugh Jackman, Levi Miller, Garrett Hedlund, Rooney Mara and Amanda Seyfried
(111 minutes)
Parental advice: Violence
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Sunday 18th October, 2015)
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