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Premature (Comedy): 64 out of 100: A teenage sex comedy that combines elements of "American Pie" with "Groundhog Day", this independent production isn't for everyone due to its extremely crude humour. However, this is balanced out by some performances that are touching and heartfelt. Anyone who had struggles in their teen years will be able to identify with some of the issues presented.
John Karna (never heard of him) stars as the teenager who relives the same day every time he ejaculates. It is a rather absurd premise for a movie and there are some scenes that are very silly. Some of the humour is repetitious too. However, there are some scenes that are genuinely funny, resulting in some laugh-out-loud moments.
Like a lot of broad comedies, this is a hit and miss affair. It is passable as a coming of age story. Go in with a broad mind and you will definitely enjoy some of the wilder moments. Be prepared though to moan and groan over some of the bad taste jokes.
Starring John Karna, Katie Findlay and Alan Tudyk
(94 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, sex scenes, sexual references, nudity and drug use
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, one scene featuring the university admissions officer and school tramp plus some blooper scenes during the credits (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Wednesday 1st October, 2014)

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