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scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse
2015 review number 170:
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse: (Comedy/Horror): 60 out of 100: Just like werewolves and vampires, zombies are mythical killing machines that have intrigued audiences for years. Every year there seems to be another addition to the zombie ranks with this one being a mildly amusing affair featuring plenty of violence which leans more towards violence for comedic effect. The story is middling at times, the acting is not much better, but there is a certain appeal that keeps you watching even though you think to yourself that it's all rather stupid.
Ben (Tye Sheridan), Carter (Logan Miller) and Augie (Joey Morgan) are scouts approaching adulthood. On the eve of their last camp-out, they discover that their town is being ravaged by a zombie invasion so they put their scout knowledge and skills to the test to prevent their town from being obliterated. They are joined by a cocktail waitress, Denise (Sarah Dumont) to rescue the human survivors at a dance party which includes Carter's sister, Kendall (Halston Sage) who Ben has a crush on.
There's no explanation whatsoever regarding the cause of the zombie outbreak so you just have to accept what the writers (three in total) serve up on the screen. They come up with some wacky situations although there are several scenes that are mere time fillers that don't really extend the plot. The jokes come thick and fast with quite a few of them falling flat and representing the juvenile nature of this film.
The acting is probably a reflection of the crazy nature of the plot. There is a bit of overacting even with an Oscar winner in 89 year old Cloris Leachman in the cast. The actors revel in their stereotyped characters to ensure that the audience shouldn't really take this movie seriously. Even though the acting isn't the best, there is fun to be had with their reactions to the zombies. When the zombies are around and the heroes are doing their best to eliminate them, that's when most of the fun can be experienced. Be warned though that the acts of violence are gruesome. There are the obligatory jump scares that are a staple of this genre and the actors react accordingly.
The overall film is a hit and miss affair. If you are partial to zombie films then you should enjoy this even though it's not the best example of this genre. If you think zombie movies are dumb then you're not going to change your mind after seeing this. In fact, you might not even bother watching it at all. It's mindless although mildly amusing and entertaining for those fascinated with zombies.
Starring Tye Sheridan, Logan Miller, Joey Morgan, Sarah Dumont and David Koechner
(93 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, violence and nudity
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, during the credits a zombie's head is in the parking lot and a bird poos on its head. He looks up and says, "The end." (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Friday 6th November, 2015)
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