great white shark
2015 review number 26:
Great White Shark: (Documentary): 65 out of 100: This IMAX documentary features some good underwater photography but the presentation of the information makes it seem more like a documentary for high schools. It's not something that will excite young children.
English actor Bill Nighy narrates this piece about this endangered shark species. He provides the audience with plenty of information that is often interesting. If you are a shark lover or studying ocean animals, you will get a lot out of this.
The underwater photography is so peaceful and relaxing that it might make you nod off. However, the loud and pulsating music score will ensure that you don't drift off to sleep for too long. Because quite a few of the scenes are in underwater murkiness, the 3D effects aren't as efficient as they would be for a bright surrounding.
The time lapse photography that is employed in several scenes is gimmicky. There was no need to use these sequences. There's also a scene near the beginning of the documentary where there is some banter between the hosts on the radio about sharks and this tends to trivialise the danger of sharks.
Bill Nighy has a clear speaking voice but his delivery isn't as exciting as you would hope. He's definitely not in the Morgan Freeman league of narrators. He does a passable job without excelling. If you are just after information about sharks, then the lines he has been given to say should satisfy you.
"Great White Shark" is fine for educational purposes but for someone who is after general entertainment in documentaries, you might have to turn your attention to other films in the IMAX library.
Narrated by Bill Nighy
(40 minutes)
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, during the credits there are more underwater shots of plant and animal life before seeing a shark spring out of the water after the credits
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5rrZH8ZmoI (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Sunday 15th February, 2015)
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