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jersey boys
Jersey Boys (Drama/Musical): 72 out of 100: I'd like to begin by stating that I am a fan of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. I have seen the stage musical and a concert performance in 1992. All the songs that made them famous feature in this movie. However, if you are not a fan of them it might be difficult for you to warm to this movie as there are several boring scenes. You might wonder what all the fuss about the stage musical was about. It works better in the theatre as the technique of the main characters talking to the audience interrupts the flow of the narrative and seems out of place.
Most of the main characters are portrayed by actors who appeared in the stage musical and they all do a fine job. As expected, they all sing with gusto. Even though they perform with skill in the dramatic scenes, the story needs a bit of a kick-along to maintain audience interest. Special mention must go to the production and costume design which superbly recreate the era. The colours have also been drained from the cinematography to give the movie a more authentic feel.
"Jersey Boys" is directed by one of my favourite filmmakers in Clint Eastwood who's had a few hits and misses over the years. This is neither a hit nor a miss, but I just wish I could have raved about it.
Starring Christopher Walken
(134 minutes)
Parental advice: Frequent coarse language
Additional scene during or after credits: There is a big musical number with most of the cast during the start of the credits. (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Saturday 19th July, 2014)

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