jupiter ascending
2015 review number 32:
Jupiter Ascending: (Science-Fiction/Action/Adventure): 41 out of 100: If this was judged on visual brilliance alone, it would be in the top echelon of movies this century. However, the overall package is let down by an abominable story, some atrocious dialogue and awful acting.
I'll do my best to provide a summary of the plot for it's not something that makes complete sense. It's filled with all these ideas, some confusing while others are just boring. The film begins in a conventional fashion with Jupiter (Mila Kunis) narrating how her parents met. Just before she is born, tragedy strikes. We then fast forward to the present where she lives a humdrum life cleaning other people's houses. That's when the story branches off into a sea of confusion and plot holes. Caine played by Channing Tatum is a genetically engineered ex-military hunter who travels to Earth to find her because she is supposedly of royal blood in another world. She is needed to prevent the tyrant reign of Balem Abrasax (Eddie Redmayne) from continuing. Meanwhile his brother Titus Abrasax (Douglas Booth) wants to marry her so the brothers can also rule on Earth. Her extended Russian family on Earth could be hurt by the villains if she does not follow their commands.
If you have seen the trailer, you would have seen some of the terrible acting on offer. Redmayne received an Oscar recently for his brilliant work in "The Theory of Everything" but should receive the Razzie next year for his performance in this movie. He either speaks in a monotone voice or yells out of the blue. Tatum's character must have been genetically engineered out of wood for he turns in an extremely wooden performance. Kunis as the heroine displays a range of emotions but seems out of her depth as a lead actress in a science-fiction movie.
The Wachowskis are renowned for their visual style. They were the directors of "The Matrix" trilogy. They also wrote the screenplay to this movie. They should not be allowed anywhere near a computer (or wherever screenwriters write their screenplays) for their ideas are wild and crazy and they compose some corny dialogue to go along with them. If you like movies that make sense, stay well away from this one.
The redeeming features are the excellent visual effects and sumptuous production design. No expense has been spared in these areas and it's obvious the filmmakers went to great lengths to ensure a visually stunning production. Some of the special effects and set designs are out of this world. The music score is thrilling and pulsating but occasionally intrusive as it occasionally drowns out the dialogue.
I saw this in 3D on an IMAX screen. As usual the space and night scenes render the 3D useless but this format is breathtaking for the viewer to fully appreciate the sets. The huge IMAX screen also assists in bringing the visual effects and production design to the fore. Is it worth one a half times the normal admission cost? Perhaps not.
It's a shame the visuals are hampered by some terrible acting, silly story and some ridiculous dialogue. Perhaps the best way to see "Jupiter Ascending" is to ignore the audio and concentrate only on the visuals. You can use your own imagination to make up your own story and dialogue as you see it and they're probably going to be better than what you actually encounter in the movie.
Starring Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum and Eddie Redmayne
(127 minutes)
Parental advice: Violence and nudity
Additional scene during or after credits: No
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4ZzMkDLjWI (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Sunday 1st March, 2015)
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