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3D movies
3D movies: 60 out of 100: I'm not a huge fan of 3D movies but it looks like it's a gimmick that is here to stay. The main problem with 3D is the dark scenes virtually cancel out the technology. There are also some 2D films that are converted to 3D to cash in but the conversion sometimes just seems non-existent when you take off your glasses. Speaking of glasses, if you wear a pair to see movies like I do, the 3D glasses can be a hindrance when you place them over your prescription glasses. They add to the weight on your ears and you need to constantly position them so they sit correctly. I can't name many 3D films that have enhanced the viewing experience so it goes to show that there is still a place for 2D films. I dread the day when all movies are in 3D or even worse, 4D!
(Written on Saturday 9th August, 2014)

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