It's been a month since I recommenced writing movie reviews after a five and a half year break. I used to write a review for every movie...

Movie Page Progress
It's been two weeks since I resurrected my movie page and how is it going? Exactly how it was going five and a half years ago when I...

Updating Michael Lai's Magical Movie Reviews
It's been a while since I last updated my site. I was just discouraged by the number of readers I had. Each review took me a while to...

Oscar Nominations
Every year before the Academy Awards ceremony, I try my best to go to the cinema to see every feature length film that is nominated....

Roger Ebert - Life Itself
I have just seen a warm, tender, affectionate and life-affirming documentary called Life Itself. I won't be writing a review for this as...

Record Month!
It's been a huge start to my movie tally so far in 2016. I have already seen 13 movies this month and heading for a total of 21 or 22...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Repeat Viewing
I did something last night that I rarely do and that was to see a movie again at the cinema. The last time I did this was for Avatar....

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Box Office
The box office has been huge for the latest instalment of Star Wars. It's broken box office records around the world and it still hasn't...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Countdown
The countdown is on. The bonus is we get to see it before the Americans do. I have my ticket booked for the 9.30 am screening on opening...

Free Tickets
Out of the 176 movies I have seen so far this year, 118 have been in Australia. All of these movies were free. I've been occasionally...