robot overlords
2015 review number 53:
Robot Overlords: (Science Fiction/Action): 45 out of 100: This is the type of movie that should go direct to DVD. It is a B grade sci-fi film with an exciting premise but poor execution. There's plenty of these sci-fi films flooding the DVD market. They tend to start off promisingly but become boring as the story progresses and this is no exception.
Earth has been conquered by robots from a distant galaxy. Everyone has been fitted with an electronic implant which alerts the robots when they have broken the rule of leaving their home. They are incinerated by robot sentries if they don't comply with the order of returning to their home. We see this happen at the beginning of the movie which highlights the excitement of the premise.
Ben Kingsley plays Robin Smythe who betrays his own race for reasons unknown, probably just to stay alive. He is one of the commanders of the robot invaders. Gillian Anderson returns to her sci-fi roots as the mother of one of the teenagers who discovers that an electric shock from a battery can prevent the implant from working for some time. These two are the only well-known actors and although they try hard, they just can't generate enough tension from the placid narrative. The same goes for the group of children who discover the implant deficiencies.
For some reason the camerawork always seems to be shaky even for the non-action scenes. There is absolutely no reason not to have the camera on a dolly. The main problem though is not the direction. The narrative is simply not exciting enough and there's hardly any tension in the action scenes. You definitely won't be sitting on the edge of your seat during this film.
The visual effects are serviceable rather than spectacular. They are of the CGI variety. There actually could have been more visual effects considering this is a story about an alien invasion. Perhaps the budget limited the filmmakers to a small dose of visual effects.
I would be very surprised if this film was released in Australian cinemas. You won't be missing out on too much even if you fail to see it on DVD.
Starring Ben Kingsley and Gillian Anderson
(90 minutes)
Parental advice: Violence
Additional scene during or after credits: No
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c1lVc790T1U (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Wednesday 7th April, 2015)
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