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stonehearst asylum
Stonehearst Asylum: (Drama/Thriller): 74 out of 100: Here's a movie that has arrived with little fanfare and has slipped under the radar which is a shame really because it is entertaining and never boring. It might be over the top for some but if you are in the mood for a story with twists and turns then this is definitely for you.
Jim Sturgess plays Edward Newgate, a recently appointed doctor to a mental institution called Stonehearst Asylum. There he meets up with Eliza Graves (Kate Beckinsale) and develops a romantic union with her. He must contend with the head physician, Silas Lamb (Ben Kingsley), whose medicinal procedures are unusual to say the least. As the movie progresses, Newgate discovers that not everyone is who or what they appear to be. Michael Caine (Benjamin Salt) rounds off the main cast as another character who may or may not have ulterior motives.
Also titled "Eliza Graves" in some countries, "Stonehearst Asylum" is a fun and entertaining ride. Although some of the dialogue is corny at times, you will be fully engrossed with the story, trying to determine the outcome of the plot. Based on an Edgar Allan Poe short story, if you are familiar with his stories, you will kind of know what to expect in terms of theme and atmosphere.
As one would expect from an all-star cast, the acting is masterful. Ben Kingsley provides the right amount of villainy while Kate Beckinsale is as luminous as ever. Jim Sturgess is admirable and dashing as the lead actor and the audience does root for him in the situations he finds himself in. If he wasn't a likeable hero then this wouldn't be the case. Some of the supporting actors overdo it on occasions but this is only a minor bugbear.
The atmosphere of the film matches the story in that the music score is genuinely moving and creepy at times, plus the cinematography and set decoration help establish and maintain the mood of the piece. It is visually stylish and compelling to watch.
"Stonehearst Asylum" deserves an audience, especially those who enjoy thrilling pieces that make you try to unravel the characters and story. If you can ignore some of the acting and dialogue, you will be in for a thoroughly entertaining two hours which go quickly, a sure sign that a movie hasn't outstayed its welcome.
Starring Jim Sturgess, Kate Beckinsale, Ben Kingsley, Michael Caine, David Thewlis and Brendan Gleeson
(112 minutes)
Parental advice: Violence and adult themes
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Monday 22nd December, 2014)

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