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Serena: (Drama): 48 out of 100: Have you seen a movie that seems twice as long than it actually is? Do you find yourself checking your watch to see how much more of the movie there is left? Do you wish the director would just speed things up to create some tension and excitement? This is one such movie that answers 'yes' to all of these questions.
One cannot argue with the pedigree of the cast for it stars Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence who plays the title character, and Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper as George Pemberton who falls in love with Serena after just one look at her. It's more like lust at first sight for they don't know much about each other. When they do marry, they begin to build a timber empire in North Carolina in 1929. They will stop at nothing to ensure they become the leaders of their industry. It all comes unstuck when George's hidden past is revealed.
The main problem with the film is the story itself. It's simply dull, not helped by a melodramatic screenplay that would be more appropriate to a Mills & Boon novel. The director doesn't help either by making sure most of the film moves along at a snail's pace. This will give you plenty of time to admire the scenery and costume design. All the actors try hard in their roles but the audience doesn't really care about their plight for they are dull, unlikeable characters.
This is Cooper's and Lawrence's third film together but it's lacking the sexual chemistry which was evident in "Silver Linings Playbook" and "American Hustle". They both look glamorous in their respective roles, but there just doesn't appear to be the oomph factor that we know they both can bring to their performances. They are solid without being spectacular but that could be attributed to the sluggish pacing of the film.
There has been a long delay for this film and it's easy to see why. The studio probably realised that it's not going to make much money at the box office and are only releasing it on the back of the star wattage of the two principal actors. See it on DVD if you must but make sure you are extremely patient and in the mood to endure long moments of silence.
Starring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence
(109 minutes)
Parental advice: Sex scenes, adult themes, violence
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Tuesday 16th December, 2014)

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