A Hitman's Solitude Before the Shot
2015 review number 72:
A Hitman's Solitude Before the Shot: (Comedy/Drama/Action): 62 out of 100: Screening at the German Film Festival in Australia, this is a quirky film that has its moments but is mainly light on laughs and action. It's something that you could enjoy for the most part but forget about quickly after seeing it.
Benno Fürmann plays hitman Koralnik. He is part of an EU task-force that has been established in the wake of 9/11. After being in the unit for eight years, he still hasn't received a mission so he's rather bored and his mind is playing tricks on him. He even suspects that his neighbour is a terrorist. One day a young lady named Rosa (Mavie Hörbiger) crashes into his car. She seems to be attracted to him and asks to meet up. On their first date at his place after a few nervous moments, he receives notification of his first ever mission...
Fürmann lights up the screen with his performance. He has a way of making a scene funny just by using his facial expressions. He has a sound rapport with Hörbiger and some of their scenes together are mildly amusing. It seemed that most of the packed audience would agree with my summation of the comedy as apart from a few people who laughed and shrieked at just about anything, the laughter was well-contained.
Although the running time is short, there are some scenes that overstay their welcome and make the duration of the film appear longer than it actually is. The story has obviously been padded out otherwise we would all be seeing a 70 minute movie!
For those who don't like subtitles, there's nothing special about this movie that will make you change your mind about them. It's not that funny or action-packed enough to warrant a Hollywood remake either.
Starring Benno Fürmann and Mavie Hörbiger
(90 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language and violence
Additional scene during or after credits: No
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwcZQhtpYI4 (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Thursday 21st May, 2015)
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