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the skeleton twins
The Skeleton Twins (Drama): 67 out of 100: I was expecting a lot more from this movie after reading all the glowing reviews but it's nothing I haven't seen before about a dysfunctional family. One cannot argue that it is well-acted but the occasional manipulation of emotions prevents it from being a classic.
Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader play the estranged twins who finally reunite due to the latter character's suicide attempt. They are usually comedic actors so they demonstrate a great range in this film. Because the story focuses so much on them, the other characters are not as engaging or interesting.
There are some elements of humour but most of these scenes are already featured in the various trailers. Although there are some fine dramatic moments, quite a few of these scenes steer closer towards melodrama with many close-up shots of the actors' faces.
Even though the film is short, the nature of the pacing makes it seem more like two hours. When the movie is on fire, it is brilliant but when it becomes leisurely, you just wish that there is more energy and vitality.
Starring Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader and Luke Wilson
(93 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, sex scene and mature themes
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Wednesday 17th September, 2014)

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