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the little death
The Little Death (Comedy): 79 out of 100: This hilarious Australian film is definitely not for everyone as some of the jokes are guaranteed to offend, especially one of the character's desire to be raped by her partner. You will feel a little uneasy laughing at some of the lines but Josh Lawson, the star, director and writer of the movie, presents the jokes in a relatively sensitive manner that many viewers will find themselves relating to the situations.
There really isn't a narrative as such, more a series of scenes that show couples in various stages of their relationships. There's only a few times where the stories coincide. Those who are after a conventional narrative will feel a bit underwhelmed.
Although very much a comedy, there are some dramatic scenes that succesfully demonstrate the ups and downs of relationships. These types of scenes illustrate the range the actors show in their performances.
"The Little Death" is a sex comedy that should keep you entertained throughout as you can empathise with most of the characters, especially if you are in a relationship. If you are single, it will sure make you glad that you're not involved with a partner.
Starring Josh Lawson and Lisa McCune
(96 minutes)
Parental advice: Sex scenes, sexual references, adult themes and coarse language
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Wednesday 3rd September, 2014)

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