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horrible bosses 2
Horrible Bosses 2: (Comedy): 66 out of 100: Broad comedies are the most difficult to get right because a lot of the humour is hit and miss. "Horrible Bosses 2" falls right into this category with some very funny toilet humour but some scenes falling flat. If you didn't like the first film because you found the jokes gross, you won't be converted after seeing this one.
Bateman, Sudeikis and Day play the three friends from the original who decide to create their own business and pursue their dream with an investor. Little do they know that this investor played by Waltz is conniving and backs out of a deal to look after his own interests. Out of frustration they kidnap his son (Pine) to try to get back the money they have lost. His son has other plans too when he engages in securing most of the money from the ransom demands.
There are more scenes than the first film featuring the main trio together. Sometimes this makes it more annoying as they tend to bicker with each other, resulting in dialogue where there's just loud arguing going on. Listening to Charlie Day's voice for a while can be grating for he sounds like a schoolboy whose voice has just broken. What made the first film better was the allocation of screen time given to Aniston, Spacey and Foxx. Here they are reduced to smaller roles.
I am a sucker for gutter humour so I didn't mind the dirty jokes. There's nothing sophisticated about the comedy and it's not supposed to be. With such an all-star cast however, it could have been a much funnier film. There are moments where the pacing lets it down because a film filled with crude humour should rocket along and keep you entertained throughout...if you like that kind of humour.
Starring Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Charlie Day, Chris Pine, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey and Jamie Foxx
(108 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, violence, sex scenes and sexual references
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, during the credits there outtakes from the film (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Thursday 11th December, 2014)

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