the gambler
2015 review number 19:
The Gambler: (Drama/Thriller): 62 out of 100: A remake of the 1974 film starring James Caan, "The Gambler" has impressive behind the scenes credentials in director Rupert Wyatt who also directed "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and screenwriter William Monahan who received an Oscar for writing the screenplay to "The Departed". There are some good scenes but not enough of them to make it a film worth remembering.
Mark Wahlberg stars as English literature professor Jim Bennett who has a huge debt due to his gambling addiction. He borrows money from his wealthy mother (Jessica Lange) and shady characters like Frank (John Goodman) to pay off his debts. In the meantime he is having an affair with one of his students, Amy played by Brie Larson. He knows he is in deep trouble when the gangsters he has borrowed from threaten to harm those who are close to him.
This film has plenty of dialogue but it's more verbose than anything. There are some very good lines although they don't really help with developing the characters. You have a sense of detachment from them and you don't really care with what happens to them. Wahlberg is convincing as the troubled gambler/professor while Goodman is menacing as the gangster who is after his repayments. The only problem is you don't see enough of him. Lange's theatrics go a bit overboard at times while Larson has a thankless role where her character development doesn't really go anywhere.
Some of the gambling scenes do promote the tension and that is testament to the lighting and the way it has been shot. If you are a fan of blackjack then you will get a kick out of some of the gambling scenes. There is probably more tension in the gambling scenes than the character interactions where the excessive dialogue gets in the way of building the tension.
I haven't seen the original "The Gambler" so I won't be able to compare the two movies. If you check out IMDB, you will discover that it has received a better rating than the remake. Once I eventually get to see it, I shall include a reference to it on my blog. I was never bored with the 2014 version but I just felt that it didn't have me enthralled and engrossed for a movie with the usually interesting and exciting themes of gambling, gangsters and family dysfunction.
Starring Mark Wahlberg, Jessica Lange, John Goodman and Brie Larson
(111 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, violence and nudity
Additional scene during or after credits: No
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5gPQXbFs9Y (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Friday 6th February, 2015)
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