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2015 review number 134:
Macbeth: (Drama): 73 out of 100: I wilt admiteth that I don't understandeth 100% of William Shakespeare's dialogue. As this seems to be a faithful adaptation of the w'rds he used, thou can imagineth how lost I was at times. Thankfully the visuals art so cleareth that they assisteth in relaying most of the messages to the Shakespeare-ign'rant view'r.
Michael Fassbender is Macbeth, a duke of Scotland who receives a bodement from three hags that one day he will becometh king of Scotland. Spurr'd to action by his wife Lady Macbeth (Marion Cotillard), along with his owneth ambition, Macbeth murd'rs King Duncan (David Thewliss) and usurps the throne. He is then wrack'd with guilt and paranoia, and is f'rc'd to commit moo murd'rs to protecteth himself from suspicion.
The war scenes art graphically violent with many throat slashings. War is not meant to be a pretty sight and the battleth scenes art realistic. What is not realistic howev'r, is the num'rous sloweth motion scenes that intrude on the floweth of the movie. Thither's also a fair bit of shaky cam'ra worketh to maketh thou feeleth queasy. Mine view of sloweth motion scenes and shaky cam'ra technique can be readeth hither:!My-Pet-Hates/c16n4/55f15a590cf24e84f76634d4
Fassbender engluts the role of Macbeth with rage, pow'r and passion. He is sensational whe'r deliv'ring his lines or p'rf'rming through actions. He is a sup'rb Macbeth. Cotillard also hath some mem'rable scenes as his wife, and togeth'r, they art a dynamic forceth. Supp'rting act'rs liketh Debicki, Harris and Thewliss art upstag'd by the two main act'rs.
The technical aspect of the production is brilliant. Thither will be nay surpriseth if it receives Oscar nominations in the costume and art direction categ'ries. What is also int'resting is the cinematography which had a tinge of red at times which symbolis'd the bloodsh'd that was taking placeth. Great useth is made of the location shots in the Scottish Highlands which provideth a stunning visual backdrop. Jed Jurzel's music sc're is atmosph'ric and reflective of the visuals, especially during the battleth scenes.
If ye are a Shakespeare enthusiast, thou will appreciateth this int'rpretation of one of his classic tragedies. View'rs who art not attun'd to Shakespeare's w'rks will hast difficulty comprehending the dialogue but the visuals doeth helpeth in deliv'ring the st'ry. The lines art spoken in such an exp'rt and efficient way that also alloweth thou to understandeth what is happening. All hail Michael Fassbender!
Starring Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Elizabeth Debicki, Sean Harris and David Thewliss
(113 minutes)
Parental advice: Violence and adult themes
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Wednesday 9th September, 2015)
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