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sex tape
Sex Tape (Comedy): 59 out of 100: A gross out film that promises a lot more than it delivers is typical of many Hollywood comedies and "Sex Tape" fits right in this category.
It is an uneven film with quite a few laugh-out-loud moments but many boring bits that negate the fun scenes. It seemed that the script was only at the first draft stage and required more polish to become a funnier film. Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel try hard and both appear nude, but Rob Lowe and Jack Black (in an uncredited role) steal the scenes with their brief appearances. There's nothing sensational about the direction and it seemed to have a television sitcom feel about it at times.
"Sex Tape" is definitely not the funniest movie of 2014 but it had the potential to be a comedy classic.
Starring Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Rob Lowe and Jack Black
(94 minutes)
Parental advice: Nudity, sex scenes, sexual references, coarse language, drug use
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Wednesday 16th July, 2014)

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