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the summer of Sangaïlé
2015 review number 80:
The Summer of Sangaïlé: (Drama/Romance): 50 out of 100: This independent film from Lithuania opened the Sundance Film Festival this year. It's not an easy one to rate as there are some beautiful images but the overall package left this viewer cold. If you like vague poetry then you'll love this movie. If you want something with more substance then I'm afraid you'll be bored.
The film opens with a magnificent sequence of a stunt plane performing its tricks. We discover that the protagonist of the piece, Sangaïlé (Julija Steponaityte), is fascinated with stunt planes but she suffers from vertigo. She meets Auste (Aiste Dirziute) who is working at the aeronautical show and at a local café. Sangaïlé is a withdrawn 17 year old who likes to harm herself with sharp objects. She lets Auste, also a 17 year old, into her life and they become intimate.
There is no trick photography or CGI for the footage of the stunt place and it is a breathtaking introduction. It's a credit to the cinematographer for capturing these exciting moments. What excitement there is dissipates after these scenes. It's a girl meets girl story with plenty of camera pointing at the scenery. That's fine if it's essential to the story but all these quiet moments make the movie seem twice as long than it actually is.
Most of the story centres around the two girls. For a while, it's interesting to see how their love for each other will pan out but the lack of dialogue means that we don't really get to know them well. Not much is explained. Why does Sangaïlé harm herself? Why don't her parents notice the cuts on her arms? It's one of those films where you can draw your own conclusions.
The main performances are fine. The two lead stars act well with what they've been given. It's a shame that the director, Alanté Kavaïté, is too focused on making the movie look pretty instead of providing more substance. Her directing style is leisurely, with a shot here and a shot there, not really advancing the story. It might have worked better as a short film.
The music score is haunting and ethereal. It adds style to a film that already possesses too much style. There's no harm in style, just as long as there's some substance.
This might be just the type of movie that has a lot of its scenes put on canvases to be displayed in an art gallery. If you want to combine a visit to the art gallery with the cinema, see this film. It kills two birds with one stone. I prefer to separate my visits.
Starring Julija Steponaityte and Aiste Dirziute
(88 minutes)
Parental advice: Sex scenes, nudity, sexual references and adult themes
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Sunday 7th June, 2015)
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