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magic mike xxl
2015 review number 100:
Magic Mike XXL: (Comedy/Drama): 46 out of 100: The original Magic Mike from 2012 was a well-written movie with characters that you cared for. It wasn't your typical bump and grind striptease movie as there was more depth to it than that. It was easy to become emotionally involved with the characters and their fluctuating fortunes as the story engaged the audience and the dialogue had a sense of purpose to it which was to drive the narrative forward. The sequel is more of a road trip than anything else where the characters engage in conversation which is frankly, quite boring.
Magic Mike XXL sees the Kings of Tampa: Big Dick Richie (Joe Manganiello), Tarzan (Kevin Nash), Ken (Mat Bomer), Tito (Adam Rodriguez), and Tobias (Gabriel Iglesias), being rejoined by Mike (Channing Tatum) who has been busy in recent years with his cabinet making business. (Three key characters from the first film including Matthew McConaughey's Dallas are missing in the sequel and their absence is noted in some of the screenplay). The Kings of Tampa are headed to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina for a stripper convention where they can exhibit their talents. Along the way, they perform their routine for women ranging from a shopkeeper to Nancy (Andie MacDowell) and her friends. Mike also gets the opportunity to meet up with an old flame in Rome (Jada Pinkett Smith) who runs her own stripper 'house'.
From a heterosexual male's perspective, there is much to admire with the routines although they obviously don't excite as much as they would for women. There's a fair bit of dancing or more to the point, grinding throughout the film. If you are after some nudity you will be disappointed as there's only a bare bum at the beginning of the film along with strippers in G-strings in the finale. During the routines, you actually feel like you're in a real striptease joint with all the noise, especially the screaming from the women.
The acting is middling at best. This is not the type of movie that showcases acting talent, more the case of stripping and dancing prowess, which the sequel achieves. There's probably more routines in this sequel than the original which should arouse titillated viewers. If you are after more substance than simply stylish striptease routines then you won't be pleased.
There's a fair bit of music, naturally accompanying the routines. The song selections are adequate for they are 'sexy' and generate the buzz and energy for the characters to strip, dance and grind to. The editing is well-managed during these routines and showcase the interactions between the strippers and audience members. Jada Pinkett Smith does a credible job as the MC during the finale and gets the audience in the mood.
This is definitely a chick flick to be enjoyed by women who admire eye candy. This is the closest I'll ever get to a male striptease and although the atmosphere was electric at times, there was hardly any magic for this viewer in other aspects of the film.
Starring Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, Amber Heard and Jada Pinkett Smith
(116 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, nudity and sexual references
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Monday 13th July, 2015)
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