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worst movies of 2015
Due to the incredible number of movies I have seen at the cinema this year, there's bound to be failures, movies that shouldn't have been made in the first place. I haven't checked how many movies I have scored below 50 out of 100 but I know there are many in that category. I always approach a movie with an open mind even if the critics' reviews have been horrendous. Besides, I don't always agree with the critics and they don't change my opinion of movies. There's a lot of movies they dislike but I like and vice versa.
Looking back at my scores over the year, I haven't rated anything below 33 out of 100. For a movie to score below 30, it would have to be an absolute disaster, something I would consider walking out on. Actually, I don't walk out because the part that I am missing might be the best part of the movie. I stay till the end and if it still shows no sign of improving, I'll do other things like check my phone or let my mind wander.
Here are the movies I have deemed to be the worst of 2015. Click on the movie titles to read my reviews if you haven't done so already:
6) Aloha: Some good actors deserving of better material. Writer and director, Cameron Crowe, is not a name you can trust these days which is a shame because he has made some excellent character-driven movies like Almost Famous and Jerry Maguire.
5) Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension: Please let it be the last film in the franchise. I've had enough of this found-footage garbage. The preceding sequel was also in my worst 5 of 2014. I'm sure if another sequel was made it would also feature in my worst 5 list for the year.
4) StalkHer: In a year of fabulous Australian cinema, this drivel was an embarrassment to the Australian film industry. It was crass and offensive, demeaning to both men and women.
3) Mortdecai: Johnny Depp is usually a reliable character actor but this time around he tries too hard in a film that is neither funny nor thrilling even though it's an action/comedy.
2) Unfinished Business: As funny as a fart in an elevator. I'm still wondering how brilliant English actor Tom Wilkinson ended up in this film. Oh well, he has bills to pay like the rest of us.
1) Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2: One laugh in a 94 minute film doesn't make this a comedy. It should be called a tragedy. No more sequels for Paul Blart please!
(Written on Tuesday 29th December, 2015)
For my latest reviews, go to this link:

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