objectivity in movie reviews
I try my best to be as objective as possible in my reviews. I always enter the cinema hoping to like the movie I am about to see. I see just about every genre from animated to foreign, comedy to drama, arthouse to action, documentary to horror. You name the genre, I'll see it. I don't restrict myself to one or two particular genres.
I don't care what people say but it's very hard to avoid subjectivity. I do have my favourite genres, favourite actors, favourite directors and so on. If it's a subject I am really interested in, of course my review of the movie might not be as objective as I would hope it to be. And of course there are my pet hates which might creep into my review, techniques such as quick cuts, hand-held cameras, slow motion and extended shots of scenery not relevant to the story.
If you have read my reviews you would have gathered that my favourite genre is drama and my least favourite would be fantasy. However, it doesn't always mean that drama movies always score a high rating and fantasy movies receive a low rating. I will judge the movie on its merits. There are some marvellous fantasy films like "Pan's Labyrinth" from 2006 and dreadful drama films like last year's "Self Made".
Anyone who says there is absolutely no subjectivity in their reviews is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. There is no such thing as 100% objectivity in people's opinions.
(Written on Saturday 31st January, 2015)