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the will to fly
This inspiring documentary flies high.
2015 review number 127:
The Will to Fly: (Documentary): 84 out of 100: Lydia Lassila, née Ierodiaconou, is an Australian Olympic freestyle gold medallist who has competed in the 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympics. She was the 2010 champion and received a bronze medal in last year's Olympics. A documentary entitled The Will to Fly has been made by Leo Baker and Katie Bennie Bender which details her competitive dream along with maintaining a healthy balance with her family. I was fortunate enough to speak with Lassila about the documentary.
Michael Lai: Welcome to 'Michael Lai's Magical Movie Reviews', Lydia. I have just seen the documentary about you and I thought it was excellent. I knew nothing about you before seeing it. What made you open your world to the public?
Lydia Lassila: First of all, I'd like to thank you for having me featured on your site. I was initially sceptical to have a movie made about me. Then I thought about how I would like the sport of aerial skiing to be brought to the world's attention. I wanted to showcase how difficult it is to realise your dreams as an aerial skier and how much harder it is when you have a young family.
ML: Leo Baker and Katie Bennie Bender did a fantastic job of combining the footage of your family life with your practice and competitive jumps. With the jumps, it felt like being there with the picturesque scenes. How did your family react to having the cameras around?
LL: It was important to have them there because they inspired me to keep going. It wouldn't have been the same if they weren't featured as they have contributed to my success. I hope they didn't mind having the cameras trained at them.
ML: Everyone in your family seemed at ease to be interviewed. Your husband, Lauri, contributed some excellent insights, being a former professional skier himself. Your son, Kai, is so cute. I also loved the interviews with your parents and siblings. They provided quite a few laughs.
LL: They've all kept me grounded. It was really hard to leave Kai when I competed at the 2014 Olympics but I wanted to leave my legacy on the sport. I wanted to do the quad twisting triple, a feat only the men had mastered with not one woman having performed this stunt in competition.
ML: The tension and excitement of these jumps were brilliantly showcased. Since I knew nothing about you, it was like watching your events live. I was hoping that you would succeed. It also helps that you are charismatic and well-spoken. I wouldn't have cared for you if you were arrogant and unlikeable.
LL: It isn't in my nature to be a bitch. Although there is a fair bit of competition with the Aussie girls and especially the Chinese, I am happy for them when they do well.
ML: The interviews with your Chinese competitors and the Aussie girls like Alisa Camplin and Jacqui Cooper added an extra dimension to the documentary.
LL: Yes, I didn't want the documentary to be all about me as that would suggest to the world that I was full of myself. It's important for everyone to see how much aerial skiing is a challenge for everyone who participates in the sport.
ML: Thanks for providing us with such an inspirational tale. I do recommend it to even those who aren't interested in aerial skiing. I must admit I am one of those people.
LL: I do hope that people are more aware of my sport after seeing this documentary.
ML: Your ideals and dreams have ensured that we all have the will to fly in whatever endeavours we wish to pursue.
LL: Thanks Michael. Hopefully more people will see this documentary when it is released in early 2016.
Starring Lydia Lassila, Lauri Lassila, Alisa Camplin and Jacqui Cooper
(96 minutes)
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
NB - This interview is a work of fiction.
(Reviewed on Wednesday 26th August, 2015)
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