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mrs brown's boys d'movie
Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie (Comedy): 49 out of 100: Based on the hit sitcom, one might wonder what all the fuss is about if they are not fans of the TV show. The movie is only intermittently funny, and it's not even laugh-out-loud funny at that. There's the occasional shameless mugging for the camera to try to elicit laughs, average slapstick scenes and jokes that don't always hit their target.
The movie plays like a sitcom at times with the music chiming in for the audience laughter to register. The main problem is the central story which is not overly interesting to begin with being padded out into a feature-length film. It might have worked better as a 30 minute TV episode.
It would be interesting to find out the views of fans of the TV show but for someone like me who hasn't seen a single episode, it would have to make a more compelling case to lure new devotees.
Starring Brendan O'Carroll
(95 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, sexual references
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, bloopers during credits (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Wednesday 23rd July, 2014)

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