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exodus: GODS and kings
Exodus: Gods and Kings: (Drama/Action): 49 out of 100: It must be the year of the biblical epic as this comes hot on the heels of "Noah". That movie would be considered a masterpiece compared to this! Ridley Scott, the director of "Exodus: Gods and Kings", has had a few hits and misses over the years and this one falls under the latter category.
Nearly every adult would be familiar with Moses parting the Red Sea. What many people wouldn't know however, is the relationship between Moses (Christian Bale) and Ramses (Joel Edgerton). The story as depicted in this would not give you a very good historical lesson of their relationship because there's not much depth to it. The plot also glosses over Moses' relationship with his wife when it seems he has fallen in love with her in about two minutes of screen time. The time jump of nine years doesn't do the history justice.
There have been rumblings about the decision to cast white actors in all the main roles. It wouldn't have mattered much whomever was cast as the actors have to deliver some corny dialogue and do so with some over the top acting. Ben Kingsley and Sigourney Weaver are hardly sighted but that doesn't really matter because even they are not showcasing their best moments. Everyone tries to outact each other but only come across as showboating. Christian Bale tries hard as Moses but you do expect him to turn into Batman at any moment.
If you see this in 3D like I did, you will discover the night scenes render the 3D useless. The moments best utilising 3D are the action scenes including the Red Sea. Even though the effects are mainly CGI, they have been executed brilliantly making this a visual feast, if nothing else. You do have to wait a fair while for the boring dramatic scenes to give way to the exciting action sequences.
That's two movies in a row now that Ridley Scott has failed with after last year's "The Counselor". It he's not careful he will be remembered for directing some unimpressive films towards the end of his career and all the plaudits he received for films like "Alien", "Blade Runner" and "Gladiator" will be long forgotten.
Starring Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton and Ben Kingsley
(149 minutes)
Parental advice: Violence
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Monday 15th December, 2014)

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