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deepsea challenge
Deepsea Challenge (Documentary): 69 out of 100: If you didn't know already, James Cameron, the director with the two biggest movies in box office history when inflation is not taken into account, is also an avid adventurer especially when it comes to the exploration of the depths of the ocean. This documentary is his tale of his attempt to go deeper than anyone has been before.
Although not directed by Cameron, he is the central figure of this documentary which labours at times, especially in the early scenes. Some of these scenes involve re-enactments which prove to be slightly cheesy. It's not until we reach the mission itself when things become more exciting.
Cameron shows us how passionate and excited he is about the challenges ahead and provides an informative insight into his dreams and ambitions. The on-camera talk from him when he is alone in his vessel though can be annoying when he comes up with phrases such as "Yes, Siree Bob". It would have been more majestic to keep quiet and let us experience the wonder of witnessing these exotic underwater creatures.
I could only see this in 3D as there were no 2D sessions available and it didn't really enhance the picture quality. The beautiful underwater cinematography would have been served just as well in 2D.
Although "Deepsea Challenge" was mostly engaging, I feel that it could have been better as a 45 minute IMAX documentary, thus eliminating the less interesting scenes.
Starring James Cameron
(91 minutes)
Parental advice: One swear word that has been bleeped
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Saturday 23rd August, 2014)

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