seventh son
2015 review number 1:
Seventh Son: (Fantasy/Adventure): 61 out of 100: This occasionally entertaining fantasy film through its actions scenes is hampered by a derivative storyline and screenplay. It's also not Oscar winner Jeff Bridges' finest hour as he hams it up and often mumbles his way through the movie.
Bridges plays John Gregory, who is the local spook, protecting his country from witches and other evil spirits. As he is getting older, he seeks an apprentice to carry on his trade. Along comes Tom Ward (Ben Barnes) who together with Gregory, must defeat Mother Malkin (Julianne Moore), the most dangerous witch in the land who wishes to rule over everyone.
One cannot fault the cinematography which beautifully captures the setting of the movie. The locations of the forests in British Columbia in Canada have been used to excellent effect. Both the production design and costumes are elaborate, proficiently bringing to life this medieval era.
With Jeff Bridges and Julianne Moore in the cast, one would expect fine acting but both tend to overact in their roles. They are not helped by a script that has corny lines at times along with a narrative that isn't always particularly engaging. The action scenes bring the movie to life but occasionally the editing involves quick cuts which can leave the viewer's head spinning.
"Seventh Son" isn't particularly memorable but there are worst ways of spending 102 minutes of your precious time. It is enjoyable at times but you do have to sit through some uninspired parts to reach a desirable level of entertainment.
Starring Jeff Bridges, Ben Barnes and Julianne Moore
(102 minutes)
Parental Advice: Violence
Additional scenes during or after credits: Yes, during the credits there are scenes and deleted scenes from the movie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4zX--5Ils8 (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Wednesday 7th January, 2015)
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