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paranormal activity: the ghost dimension
2015 review number 164:
Paranormal Activity - The Ghost Dimension: (Horror): 37 out of 100: This is the sixth film in the franchise which began in 2007 and the producers have stated that this is the final instalment. Hopefully they don't change their mind as this series is on its last legs. This is the film that promises to reveal all relating to the existence of the evil spirit that lurks within the house. Apparently, the events are linked closely to Paranormal Activity 3 but due to the sameness of the events that take place over the series of movies, it's difficult to recall what those events were. It doesn't really matter if you haven't seen it though, as the characters in this film are watching extensive footage of the characters and their actions from Paranormal Activity 3.
Ryan (Chris J.Murray), his wife Emily (Brit Shaw) and their young daughter Leila (Ivy George) move into their new home. They are also joined by Emily's sister, Skyler (Olivia Taylor Dudley). Ryan's brother, Mike (Dan Gill) has recently separated from his wife and is staying for a few weeks while he gets his life back in order. While searching around the house, Ryan and Mike discover a box containing a video camera and VHS tapes. The tapes show a couple of girls communicating with an unnamed friend named Toby. The video camera has the ability to see and record apparitions and they notice that Leila is beginning to communicate with Toby.
There's not much character depth with most of them exercising stupidity. It is reflective of many of these found footage movies where the characters film everything that is happening. What do you do when your daughter's bedroom appears to be haunted? Keep her in there and film what happens when she sleeps. What do you do when people are being harmed? Keep filming without a second thought about resting the camera. You know the deal with these found footage films...shaky camera and lots of running around. There's even a scene where a character is running away from the ghost but is being filmed from a low angle. It's difficult to believe that the person filming would be able to manage this feat unless she had wheels on her back.
The visual effects are cheap and computer generated. They provide many of the jump scares which aren't actually that scary at all. There are more scares generated by the sound effects which deserve credit for producing a creepy atmosphere. The jump cuts are annoying but indicative of the found footage genre. The cinematography is low budget, with several of the night scenes showing grainy footage, again a representation of this genre.
The actors do try hard with the material they are served. They exhibit the right amount of fear for events they encounter and deliver their lines with purpose and expression. Most of the dialogue however is of an expository nature.
The promise of this series finally ending lured me to the cinema plus I had already seen the previous five instalments. I was just curious to see how the Paranormal Activity plot would tie up its loose ends. I saved money by not paying to see it but I will never get back that time I wasted to see it.
Starring Chris J. Murray, Brit Shaw, Ivy George, Dan Gill and Olivia Taylor Dudley
(88 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language and violence
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Friday 23rd October, 2015)
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