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the brag
The Brag is a free Sydney weekly magazine/newspaper that you can pick up for free from places like pubs and cinemas. Like all hard copy media publications these days, there is also an accompanying website:
If you've been a follower of my site, you will know that I don't pay to see movies in Sydney. One of the places where I score some of my freebies is The Brag. If you win a prize, you can either pick it up in the city or ask for it to be delivered if you send them a stamped, self-addressed envelope. To access the freebies section, click on this link:
The website mainly focuses on the music scene but there is also a film section which you can check here:
I recommend The Brag if you like to score some free prizes and it's generally for people who enjoy the Sydney entertainment scene.
(Written on Saturday 13th June, 2015)

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