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gemma bovery
2015 review number 78:
Gemma Bovery: (Drama/Comedy/Romance): 68 out of 100: If you are familiar with the classic tale of Madame Bovary, "Gemma Bovery" borrows significantly from the novel, even with one of the main characters constantly referring to it. Some might call it sacrilegious, others might say that this movie is paying its respects.
Martin Joubert (Fabrice Luchini) is an ex-Parisian who has moved with his wife and teenage son to a Norman village. He is a baker who has his own bakery. Everything seems to be routine for him until an English couple moves into a small farm nearby. Gemma Bovery (Gemma Arterton) and Charlie Bovery (Jason Flemyng) provide the spark that seems to be missing from Martin's life. He is infatuated with the beauty of Gemma and likens her appearance and behaviour with men to that of Madame Bovary.
Arterton is luminous as the title character. You can easily see why men are attracted to her. Not only does she have her husband, but there are three other men who are lusting after her. One of those men is Martin. Luchini plays it straight but gets the most laughs. It is pretty much a caricature of a frustrated, old man. And that is where the problem lies. The characters are sterotypes that you can't invest your emotions in. One doesn't really care what happens to them. (Spoiler alert!) There is a tragedy towards the end of the film yet in a full movie auditorium, not a tear was shed.
There are references to Madame Bovary throughout the story. The dialogue is quick-witted and humorous at times. Joubert's paranoia is the impetus for most of the plot and the expression on Luchini's face garners many of the laughs. One thing that irked me was that Joubert seemed to be interviewed at the beginning of the movie about how he met the Bovery couple but that technique seemed to be dropped straight after the introduction. Hence, there was no need for the interview scene.
The scenery is picturesque. Maximum value is extracted from the quaint French village and lush countryside. The music score also matches the visuals in that it's pleasant and romantic.
Most of the movie is in French with some English. If you don't like subtitles for whatever reason, there is enough English to draw you into the story. It's not a classic French film but it's enjoyable without too much depth or analysis.
Starring Gemma Arterton, Fabrice Luchini and Jason Flemyng
(100 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, nudity and sex scenes
Additonal scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
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