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the giver
The Giver (Drama/Science-Fiction): 66 out of 100: Here is another case of the novel being better than the film as the issues raised in the novel are more emotionally involving and tense than the film. There's nothing disastrous with the film, just that it's less engaging than the novel.
If you haven't read the novel then you might ask yourself what the big deal is about it and why it is a staple of the US English curriculum. The plot concerns a society where all emotions are extracted from its inhabitants and the main character, Jonas, being given the 'knowledge' of what his society is missing out on.
The film has an air of staleness about it with a lack of dynamics and interest. Although the main themes of the novel are explored, the film comes across as less than memorable as these themes are not covered in great depth. You receive the abridged version of the novel.
All actors try hard with the material they are given and veterans in Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep ensure that there is Oscar star power. Perhaps the film could have worked better given a longer running time to further explore the themes and characterisations.
Starring Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep and Brenton Thwaites
(97 minutes)
Parental advice: Mature themes and violence
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Friday 12th September, 2014)

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