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Calvary (Drama): 74 out of 100: This Irish production has been released to numerous critical raves. I was slightly disappointed as I was expecting this film to be in my top 10 list this year. The main problem is that it moves along at a sedate pace. If you're comfortable with this then you'll get a lot out of the story. There's no doubting that it is a well-acted film with an excellent performance by Brendan Gleeson in the lead role.
The movie asks questions which does make the viewer think, therefore it is a thought-provoking exercise which makes you question your place and value in life. It's also controversial too due to the subject matter of priests acting inappropriately.
The symphonic score assists in emphasising the impact of the dramatic scenes while the cinematography is lush and visually appealing. There are several humorous scenes which help the alleviate the tension so fear not that this is a heavy-handed melodrama.
"Calvary" is not the classic film that some reviewers are making it out to be, but it's still a fine film in its own right.
Starring Brendan Gleeson, Chris O'Dowd and Kelly Reilly
(101 minutes)
Parental advice: Strong violence, sexual references and coarse language
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Sunday 27th July, 2014)

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