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my old lady
My Old Lady: (Comedy/Drama): 66 out of 100: Based on a stage play, this movie has been written and directed by Israel Horovitz who also wrote the play. It's incredible to think that at the age of 75, he is making his feature film directing debut!
It's noticeable that the origin of this production is a play. There are many scenes with dialogue which would be more suited to a theatrical setting. It's basically the three main actors who engage in a lot of conversation that is occasionally interesting. That said, the actors do a fine job with the material. What do you expect from Oscar winners in Kevin Kline and Maggie Smith?
Kline plays the American (Mathias Gold) who travels to France to discover that the apartment he inherited from his recently deceased father is being occupied by his long time love in Mathilde Girard (Smith). Under an unusual French law, he must allow her to stay in his apartment and pay her monthly allowances until she dies. Kristin Thomas rounds off the main cast by playing Maggie Smith's daughter and she too gets to demonstrate her fine acting chops.
One of the highlights of this movie is the location shooting in Paris. You can't really go wrong with setting a movie in Paris because it's such a beautiful city to look at. The music also has a European flavour which is soothing to the ears.
The plot starts off as a comedy then turns in to some serious drama. There are some amusing scenes especially during the first half while the serious issues border on the melodramatic. All that incessant talking by the main characters shows that sometimes, silence is golden.
If you love all things French, then you should be able to find some positives in this film. Just be prepared for a lot of dialogue handled competently by the main cast.
Starring Kevin Kline, Kristin Scott Thomas and Maggie Smith
(107 minutes)
Parental advice: Adult themes and sexual references
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, during the credits Mathias reveals his final decision on what he will do with his apartment. After the credits Mathias asks Monsieur LeFebvre where he learned to speak English. (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Friday 14th November, 2014)

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