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why cinemas can be so annoying!
The top 10 most annoying things about seeing a movie at the cinema:
1) People who consistently talk throughout the movie, even about subjects that are totally unrelated to what they are watching. I don't want to hear about people's social lives when I am trying to concentrate on a movie!
2) Hearing that mobile phone ring. There's a reason why we have the silent feature on our phones!
3) People using your seat as some sort of foot cushion or resting spot. I can feel it every time you kick my seat. Next time I might just place my feet on your head!
4) Hearing those annoying chip packets or rustling of plastic bags. If you want to eat like a cow, do it on a farm, not in the cinema!
5) Something goes wrong with the picture or audio. Why is it usually me who has to go out and inform the usher of the technical difficulties? Sometimes you have to run a marathon before you can find an usher. It's even harder trying to explain what's happened if they don't speak your language!
6) People texting or social networking away. Fair enough you're doing it in silence but that light that comes from your phone is annoying. There's a reason why the lights go down when you are seeing a movie at the cinema!
7) Why do some people have to be so tall? Please consider others and don't sit in front of a short person like me!
8) Numbered seating. That's one reason why the giants sit in front of the midgets. If someone is sitting in your seat, there's also that chance they will be offended if you ask them to move. I'm just doing what the silly number on my ticket is telling me to do!
9) Sitting through all those ads and trailers. If I want to see a trailer, I'll see it on You Tube. At least I manage to have a decent catnap before the movie starts!
10) Construction work happening especially during a movie that has lots of dialogue. Those blasted jackhammers can ruin a perfectly good movie!
(Written on Friday 20th June, 2014)

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