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best movies of 2015
This is the time of year to reflect on the movies I saw in 2015. Actually I'm a few days late with this post as I was deciding whether to type up this list or not. Due to the slightly encouraging reader numbers for my worst movies list (!worst-movies-of-2015/cmpo), I have decided to give you my top 10 list for 2015.
I rated four movies in the 90+ out of 100 mark. This was the same figure as 2014. There's a gap of five points to the next three movies then about nine movies scoring 84 out of 100. The scores I have given these movies are based on initial viewings. Obviously these scores might change over time after repeated viewings.
You might totally disagree with my list but that's the beauty of going to the cinema and debating the merits of each film. Besides, if we all agreed on the movies we see, the world would be such a boring place! There's a mix of blockbusters and little-seen movies on this list, which just goes to show my eclectic taste in movies. Some of these movies were released in the US in 2014 but they were released in Australia in 2015 so for the purpose of this exercise, I shall deem them to be 2015 films. Click on the movie titles to read my reviews if you haven't done so already:
Honorable mentions: Birdman, Far From the Madding Crowd, Shaun the Sheep Movie and Women He's Undressed.
10) Still Alice: A wonderful performance by Julianne Moore, thoroughly deserving of the Oscar she received for Best Actress. An exceptional dramatic portrayal of a woman in the prime of her life cut down by a debilitating disease and the ramifications for her and her family.
9) Spy: The best comedy of 2015. Hilarious performances from Melissa McCarthy and Rose Byrne. Who would have thought that renowned action man Jason Statham could be this funny? Many laugh-out-loud moments to experience if this type of comedy is your thing.
8) Holding the Man: The best Australian film of 2015. Moving performances highlight an exceptional story based on true events. Even if you are not interested in movies about gay couples, this movie deals superbly with relationships in general.
7) '71: Thrilling and tense. Capably demonstrates that you sometimes have to explore outside the Hollywood movie industry for a movie that will have you on the edge of your seat.
6) Creed: Rocky's back but this time in a supporting role. Terrific boxing scenes along with top-notch drama to take this to near the top echelon of boxing movies.
5) 99 Homes: Andrew Garfield and Michael Shannon are excellent in the best fictional drama of the year but what transpires in the movie could so easily happen in real life.
4) Selma: Not the life of Martin Luther King but a key moment of his fight against civil injustice. A terrific account of the black movement and a prime example of how key moments of an historical figure's life usually make better films than biopics that try to cram everything from beginning to end.
3) Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Who cares if you can spot the similarities to the original Star Wars? Some fans wanted a return to the original trilogy but were disappointed that it was a 'retro' film. More fun and entertaining than the prequel trilogy. Characters that will interest you, unlike terrible Jar Jar Binks!
2) The Martian: Finally, Ridley Scott is back in form. You have to see this on the big screen to fully appreciate the grandeur and spectacle of Mars in a space adventure worth embarking. Some funny moments as well to lighten the mood that the Golden Globes has this nominated for Best Picture in the Comedy category!
1) Inside Out: Pixar has done it again with characters so real that they are more real than a lot of human characters in movies. The story will make you laugh and cry, definitely a movie that both adults and children can enjoy. Not having any children to see this with is not an excuse to miss the best film of 2015!
(Written on Sunday 3rd January, 2016)
For my latest reviews, go to this link:

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