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planes: fire and rescue
Planes: Fire and Rescue (Animated/Family): 61 out of 100: Never reaching any great heights, this sequel to the 2013 original is weighed down by dialogue which is rather technical and uninteresting. It only really soars during the climactic firefighting scenes.
Dane Cook provides the voice of Dusty (like he did in the original), the world famous plane who strikes trouble in this film when he discovers that a faulty gearbox might prevent him from ever racing again. He turns his attention to fighting fires where he meets a different set of characters from the original film.
Although the visuals are amazing, especially the forest fire scenes, this sequel doesn't really get off the ground due to some uninteresting exchanges between characters. The dialogue isn't all that engaging and the attempted humour often falls flat. On the plus side is the music score which soars and definitely has wings.
Children will enjoy the realistic visuals but will be bored by some of the technical language while adults after an animated feature that will entertain them would be best advised to look elsewhere.
Featuring the voices of Dane Cook and Ed Harris
(84 minutes)
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, during the credits we see the former superintendent of Piston Peak National Park now greeting vehicles Death Valley National Park. The smokejumpers crew come out and push away the last line of the credits after the credits. (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Friday 3rd October, 2014)

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