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ted 2
2015 review number 87:
Ted 2: Comedy: 77 out of 100: Rude, crude, crass, juvenile. If you love this type of comedy, you're going to have a ball. If you didn't like the original, stay clear of the sequel. It's pretty much the same with vulgarity reigning supreme. I'm a sucker for these types of comedies so you can just imagine how many laughs I had throughout the film.
Ted (Seth MacFarlane) has just married Tami-Lynn (Jessica Barth) whom he fell for in the first film. One year later and their marriage is on the rocks so they decide that having a baby will patch things up. With his childhood pal John (Mark Wahlberg), they go to extraordinary lengths to secure a sperm sample as we all know that teddy bears can't do it! All is in vain when it is revealed that Ted is not recognised as a human so his marriage to Tami-Lynn is annulled and he is not able to even adopt a baby. Ted and John set out to prove that Ted should be legally acknowledged as a person due to his human qualities so they seek the assistance of junior lawyer Samantha (Amanda Seyfried) to challenge the decision whereby Ted can have his rights returned.
If you are familiar with MacFarlane's brand of humour, you will know what to expect. Some of the humour is hit and miss as is the case with many of MacFarlane's jokes but when they are funny, there's quite a few belly laughs to be had. If you are offended by toilet humour then you're not going to appreciate this film. Some might even say that a horny teenage male is in charge of the script!
There's a few cameos that add to the fun. Some of them like Liam Neeson and Jay Leno are not even relevant to the plot but it's fun seeing them send up their image. There's also a delightful opening musical number with a nod to the dance choreography of the 1930s and 40s which doesn't really fit in but is enjoyable nevertheless.
You wouldn't call the acting first class but this isn't the type of movie where you should dwell too much on the quality of acting. Even Morgan Freeman as an experienced top-class lawyer seems to be going through the motions but it's apparent that everyone involved is having a whale of a time. The plot in many areas is more of a pop-culture reference with its celebrity jokes so for people seeing this in 20 more years will not experience the same level of fun as the viewers of today.
Later scenes incorporate a road trip which allows for some fantastic views of New York City. The music score and soundtrack are also prominent features of the film and elevate the enjoyment factor.
Ted is probably the better film of the two as it was different seeing a potty-mouthed, drug abusing teddy bear. There are some patches in the sequel that drag due to the inconsistent nature of the comedy and occasionally haphazard plot but for most of the film, there is entertainment plus for those viewers who appreciate this type of comedy. Seth MacFarlane is my guilty pleasure so Ted 2 is probably my guiltiest pleasure so far of 2015.
Starring Mark Wahlberg, Amanda Seyfried, Morgan Freeman and featuring the voice of Seth MacFarlane
(116 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, sexual references, adult themes and drug use
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, Liam Neeson is seen returning a product to the supermarket (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Thursday 25th June, 2015)
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