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and so it goes
And So It Goes (Comedy/Drama): 67 out of 100: If you check out the Rotten Tomatoes website, you will discover that this film is definitely not a critic's darling. Directed by Rob Reiner, this is not in the same league as his classics from the 80s and 90s such as "Stand By Me", "The Princess Bride", "When Harry Met Sally", "Misery" and "A Few Good Men". However, "And So It Goes" is not the tragedy that it's been made out to be.
Yes, it is an overly sentimental film that manipulates your emotions, but there are quite a few enjoyable moments to be had with some funny lines and several realistic relationship scenes, although there are some concerning issues with the plot such as why nobody visits Michael Douglas' son in prison. Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton make a great veteran screen partnership and reliably deliver the dramatic (or should that be melodramatic?) and comedic moments with assurance.
Go in with low expectations and enjoy the movie. It's not meant to be a life-changing experience.
Starring Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton
(94 minutes)
Parental advice: Sexual references and infrequent coarse language
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Sunday 10th August, 2014)

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