mala mala
2015 review number 33:
Mala Mala: (Documentary): 78 out of 100: Screening as part of the Sydney Mardi Gras Film Festival comes this documentary set in Puerto Rico about the lives of nine transgender individuals. It's a film that will increase awareness about how they live and why they have made the decision to change their gender.
All nine individuals are given significant screen time to tell their stories. Most of their tales are absorbing and engrossing. Only occasionally do they become repetitive. The most interesting parts deal with what they were like before the gender switch. It's also revealing when some of their partners are interviewed for you gain a better sense of how others are affected.
There are a few laughs but they are sensitively handled although some of the sex talk is in your face. Therefore, some of these scenes might easily offend. However, to make a movie about gender reversal requires some free thinking and a tolerance for sex talk. It wouldn't be a genuine documentary on this subject if this issue was skipped or glossed over.
If you have never been to Puerto Rico before or seen photos, you'll be pleasantly surprised by how beautiful the scenery looks. Some of the outdoor shots are scenic and breathtaking. You also get to see the seedy side which demonstrates the stark contrast of this location.
Most of the film has subtitles and there are even subtitles for those who speak with an accent which helps you understand what they are talking about. It's not patronising or demeaning, it just helps the viewer as it's very frustrating when you don't understand what people are saying.
Even if you don't like documentaries, you should see this one especially if you are interested in transgender individuals. It's generally informative with enough humour and insights to make it entertaining.
Starring Jason Carrión, Samantha Close and Ivana Fred
(87 minutes)
Parental advice: Nudity, sexual references, adult themes and coarse language
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, there is a solo dance performance all through the credits
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzEy6pJ80nw (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Monday 2nd March, 2015)
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