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2015 review number 82:
Results: (Comedy): 50 out of 100: There are some gems at the Sydney Film Festival and others that are pretentious indie flicks. Results falls in the latter category.
Trevor (Guy Pearce) is the owner of a gym in Austin, Texas. It's called Power 4 Life and Trevor hires personal trainers including Kat (Cobie Smulders), with whom he once had an affair. Into their lives comes Danny (Kevin Corrigan), a pot smoking millionaire who enlists the services of Kat as his personal trainer. He seems more interested in attempting to date her than engaging in the fitness regimen. Danny's and Trevor's lives become more entwined when the former is a confidante and financial backer of Trevor's new fitness centre, even though they get off the wrong foot to begin with. Paul (Giovanni Ribisi) is the commercial lawyer who assists in setting up the new centre.
Pearce gets to retain his Australian accent but there isn't much of a back story on his character as to why he's living so far from Australia. All we know is that he's a fitness guru who once dated Kat. Smulders is tough and uncompromising as the personal trainer so it comes as a surprise when she succumbs to Danny's advances. Corrigan plays the slob well but he's just an unlikeable character that we end up not caring much about his involvement. His character is one that the audience cannot fully empathise with.
It's been billed as a comedy but there aren't too many laughs. There are some amusing situations though that bring more of a smile than a laugh. It probably depends on what your interests are. If you're into the world of exercise and fitness, you will get much more out of this than someone who has no knowledge of it whatsoever. It's a satire on the fitness world which does alienate some viewers.
This doesn't require big screen viewing. In fact, some of the camerawork is so shaky that a smaller screen will minimise the effect of it. There's just no reason to employ the shaky cam approach.
It's not a total write-off of a film as there are some interesting moments that will engage you but it's shame that the pacing makes it a chore to sit through some scenes. I could have rated this much lower but the vigour and vitality shown by the actors ensure that you won't be completely wasting close to two hours of your life, however the overall results for "Results" aren't flattering.
Starring Guy Pearce, Cobie Smulders, Kevin Corrigan and Giovanni Ribisi
(104 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, sex scenes, sexual references, adult themes and drug use
Additional scene during or after credits: During the credits we see people dancing at a party at Danny's house
and after the credits Danny has a sol dance routine. (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Sunday 14th June, 2015)
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