robin williams tribute
It's always sad to hear of the death of one of your favourite entertainers, and even sadder when you find out that it was caused by suicide. Although he hadn't appeared in anything substantial in years, it was his earlier material that impressed, including "Good Morning Vietnam" and "Dead Poet's Society". Those two movies demonstrated his ability to act as a manic comedian and a convincing dramatic actor.
The 80s and 90s were his glory years with excellent performances in films such as the two previously mentioned, "The Fisher King", "Awakenings", "Aladdin" (voice only), and "Mrs Doubtfire". He was Oscar nominated three times for Best Actor and finally won an Oscar for his supporting role in "Good Will Hunting" in 1997.
Williams was simply an all-round entertainer. He was always a blast appearing on talk shows and who could ever forget his brilliant stand-up comedy routines? I was lucky enough to see him perform live in concert four years ago. He had the audience in stitches...he really knew how to satisfy his fans.
Robin Williams will be sorely missed by those who loved his performances as himself and some of the memorable characters he portrayed in his stellar career.
(Written on Tuesday 12th August, 2014)