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the martian
2015 review number 148:
The Martian: (Action/Adventure/Science Fiction): 92 out of 100: After a couple of disappointing films in Exodus: Gods and Kings and The Counselor, Ridley Scott has returned to winning form with this brilliant science fiction film. You would expect no less from the master of such sci-fi films as Alien and Blade Runner. The Martian has been based on the best selling novel published in 2011 and if this movie is any indication, it must have been an exciting and engrossing read.
Matt Damon plays the titular character aka Mark Watney. He is a botanist left stranded on Mars after being presumed dead during a fierce storm on the Red Planet. The crew including Commander Melissa Lewis (Jessica Chastain), Rick Martinez (Michael Peña), Beth Johanssen (Kate Mara), Chris Beck (Sebastian Stan) and Alex Vogel (Aksel Hennie) manage to escape the ravages of the windstorm. Back on Earth, satellite photos examined by NASA's Mindy Park (Mackenzie Davis) and Mars expedition director Vincent Kapoor (Chiwetel Ejiofor), reveal that Watney is still alive. Watney must use his wit, determination and expertise in his field to survive.
This is a visually stunning film. The amazing piece of trivia is that the landscape has been created in a studio in Hungary. Fantastic attention to detail has been made and the scenic views would suggest that this has been filmed in a desert location. The cinematography enhances the visuals with the red hues representing the atmosphere of Mars.
Matt Damon owns this film. He is funny, brave, determined, intelligent...all the traits one needs to survive on an inhospitable planet. Just like Tom Hanks had Wilson the volleyball in Cast Away, Watney has his video logs to amuse and entertain himself. Even though he is all alone, his humour shines through enabling the viewer to share some laughs. All the support actors succeed in their roles with special mention going to Jeff Daniels as NASA director Teddy Sanders, whose authority is constantly being challenged by his colleagues. Chastain is terrific as the commander who has lost her friend and must make several tough decisions. The story is actually rich in all character exposition as we discover every individual personality.
The story is enthralling throughout its duration. Not once did I check my watch, which is often my indication of how engrossed I am in a movie. Even though the running time is well over two hours, the rich depth of the story and characterisations ensure that you are empathasing with the characters and being engaged with the narrative. The movie is aided by a wonderful score by Harry Gregson Williams which promotes the tension that has been generated by the story. It's a thrilling ride both visually and aurally.
The visual effects are a mind-blowing spectacle along with the sound effects which vibrate in the cinema. You're not going to attain the same pleasure of viewing this on a laptop or tablet. The production design is also an achievement in showcasing the rockets, NASA headquarters and the living quarters on Mars. Scott deserves credit in integrating the technical with the masterpiece essentials of superb storytelling and excellent acting.
For an out of this world experience, you must see The Martian. It will definitely be in my top 10 of 2015. This restores your faith in seeing epic movies on the big screen.
Starring Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Jeff Daniels, Kristen Wiig, Michael Peña, Sean Bean, Kate Mara and Chiwetel Ejiofor
(141 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language
Additional scene during or after credits: Yes, during the credits we see all the main characters in snippets of scenes post Ares III while Ares IV is being launched to Mars (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Thursday 1st October, 2015)
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