the nightmare
"The Nightmare" won't be giving you any nightmares.
2015 review number 189:
The Nightmare: (Documentary): 59 out of 100: Don't be misled by the review at the top of the poster. The reviewer might be technically correct however, considering that I cannot recall any 'horror' documentaries. Anyway, it's an interesting documentary at times although stretching it to a feature-length production is probably overdoing it. People talking about their dreams for 45-60 minutes would have sufficed.
Eight people are interviewed about their experiences with sleep paralysis. The participants are all from America except for one gentleman who is from England. To make their 'dreams' come alive, scenes are reenacted featuring the interviewees and professional actors.
The reenactments are a bit on the cheesy side with cheap special effects and amateurish acting. There are a couple of jump scares to reflect the nature of the topic. Just like the majority of horror films, there is the obligatory scary music to alert you to the fact that you are seeing a movie about the supernatural.
The links to horror movies will please horror enthusiasts. There are other segments within the film to add variety. One segment that could have gone into more depth was the medical research. This was brushed off as these experts not being of much help and 'facts' coming from a Wikipedia search. It would have been a more balanced documentary if experts were interviewed or to add more spice to the documentary, clashing with the participants over their sleep paralysis claims. There simply wasn't much science in the whole production.
(Spoiler alert): The participants continue with their recollection of haunting visuals right until the end of the film with one interview subject recalling a moment he experienced. This is just an example of just how much the documentary focuses on talking head shots and repetition. At least most of the participants are charismatic and hold your attention while they are revealing their dreams.
There won't be anything life-changing after seeing this documentary. I suspect this would be more of a subjective review for those people who actually experience sleep paralysis because they can see that they are not alone and they would be able to compare notes. For those who are not affected by this disorder, it's a documentary that is quite entertaining but definitely not groundbreaking.
Starring Siegfried Peters, Yatoya Toy and Stephen Michael Joseph
(91 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, sexual references and adult themes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoPsjWqvwT4 (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Monday 21st December, 2015)
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