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hoyts cinemas
Hoyts Cinemas: Continuing with my favourite websites comes one that is based in Australia and that is Hoyts Cinemas. It's not as good as its main rival Event Cinemas but it's still informative nonetheless. It provides you with a detailed listing of session times, current releases and upcoming films.
If you are a rewards member, you can easily check out how many points you have but a word of warning, it takes much longer than Event Cinemas to score that free movie ticket. If you don't buy anything from the candy bar and use only discount vouchers to purchase your tickets, it will take about 15 visits compared with Event Cinemas 8 movies to claim a free ticket.
The only other section I check out is the competitions page but I haven't won anything from them for quite a while. That's probably because I haven't entered anything for a long time. You've gotta be in it to win it!
I wouldn't know what the booking process is like as I have never gone online to get my tickets. Like Event Cinemas, you can see where seating is available by making a fake booking and choosing your seats. As you have probably realised by now if you have read some of my previous posts, I am very fussy when it comes to sitting in a particular area in the cinema.
For more information about Hoyts, you can check out the home page here:
(Written on Sunday 30th November, 2014)

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