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hector and the search for happiness
Hector and the Search for Happiness: (Drama/Comedy): 68 out of 100: This is the male version of "Eat, Pray, Love" which starred Julia Roberts. This too has been based on a novel but does a better job in entertaining its audience.
Simon Pegg plays the psychiatrist, the title character who has been involved with Rosamund Pike's character, Clara, for a number of years. He goes through some form of mid-life crisis and examines his job and lifestyle choices by leaving his girlfriend for a trip around the globe to search for the meaning of happiness. Along the way, he meets different people that come and go.
Like "Eat, Pray, Love", the location shoots bring out the best in the setting. Fantastic use is made of places like London, Shanghai and Africa. What makes this better than its predecessor is that there is a fair injection of humour which can be attributed to Simon Pegg. He is an unlikely romantic actor due to his physical appearance, but he more than makes up for this with his fun and charming personality.
The actors playing the minor characters also have their chance to shine. The only problem is we don't see enough of them as the focus is on Hector travelling the world. Because of this, the plot is rambling at times. It's more like three stories in one when Hector spends time in China, Africa and the United States. It's a case of finish with one country and its characters, then move on to another.
Some of the direction is intrusive at times with so much happening in the scenes like jump cuts. The use of flashbacks add some schmaltz to the story and there is a tendency for the film to creep into melodrama activity when Hector discovers himself.
"Hector and the Search for Happiness" is a mostly fun and enjoyable ride which has a few bumps along the way but you can't go past Simon Pegg's winning performance which will help you appreciate the journey he goes on.
Starring Simon Pegg, Rosamund Pike, Toni Collette and Christopher Plummer
(119 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, violence and adult themes
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Sunday 2nd November, 2014)

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