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the mule
The Mule: (Drama/Comedy): 76 out of 100: Here's another Aussie film that probably won't earn much money in its home country because its audiences are too preoccupied with watching American films, which is a shame because this crime drama/thriller/comedy actually deserves an audience.
The main focus of this film involves the detaining of a drug mule (Angus Sampson, also the co-director) who arrives back in Melbourne from his end of season footy trip in Thailand. Most of his scenes are filmed in his hotel room where the Australian Federal Police is waiting for him to pass his bowels and the drugs that are inside his stomach. It's a cat and mouse game where he holds on for many days, thus prolonging his stay in the hotel.
There's quite a few oddball characters headed by Hugo Weaving's intimidating Australian Police detective. He's a fantastic character actor and he succeeds yet again in this role. Sampson is a bit dull as the main character and he is out acted by the cast around him. There are some memorable turns by Noni Hazlehurst who plays his mum and Ewen Leslie who plays the other main police officer.
There is a fair bit of tension in the film with its engaging storyline and forceful dialogue. Several moments of humour assist in alleviating the tension. Not once did I check my watch, which is always a good sign as to how much I have enjoyed a movie. The main gripe I have is that although it's competently directed, there are far too many hand-held shots which detract from the overall presentation of the film.
The studio that has backed "The Mule" has obviously decided that it won't be staying in the cinemas for too long so you will be able to see it on cable TV from early December. See it on the big screen though to maximise the enjoyment factor.
Starring Hugo Weaving, Angus Sampson, Leigh Whannell and Noni Hazlehurst
(103 minutes)
Parental advice: Coarse language, violence, drug use and nudity
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Monday 17th November, 2014)

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