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urban cinefile
Urban Cinefile: This Australian-based website is extremely handy for checking out the Australian box office results, which are updated twice a week. I also access it to see the movies that will be released in the current month. It is more comprehensive for the upcoming films list than the Event Cinemas website as it features all the movies that will be released, even at the arthouse cinemas.
Occasionally, I will enter the weekly competitions. I have won a few prizes from this site, the last being a DVD copy of "American Hustle". You might even see some of my winning responses if you look hard enough.
I also read some of the reviews that are posted. They are written by Louise Keller and Andrew L. Urban, both of whom are informative and insightful. Their reviews are not too lengthy so if you are time-poor, you can easily read their reviews with a minimum of fuss.
For a cinefile like myself, I like to regularly check out Urban Cinefile to be aware of the films that are released in Australia. You won't be disappointed if you need to know what is happening with film news in Australia. (Link to website)
(Written on Wednesday 1st October, 2014)

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